Monday, May 31, 2010

Bringin' Ya'll Up To Date

First, The Rejectionist fucking rocks. I'm not ashamed to say it. Click those links. Click. Them.! I want The Rejectionist to be my best girlfriend, but I'm not cool enough to hang out with her, so just click the links and be done with it. Plus, she'd just think I wanted an "in" with her boss, and let's face it, I would.

Well. Let's see. The yearly list of goals to the far right of the blog. The job for May: to edit The Spiritcaster: now named Jale of Dragonfael (badass, huh? I wasn't even thinking about the title, it just came out of a clear blue sky. That's where The Hobbit came from, you know) and ready for sub. I've got a query (that my friend Wayne is messing with - go Wayne!) a 3 page synopsis (yeah, I aimed for two, but it's EPIC fantasy, people) and an 88,000 word manuscript that has been edited about five times. I also have a list of 13 agents to query (so far - tomorrow is hardcore agent search times - I foresee two pots of coffee being made). So - it looks like I get to cross that off! As to the actual querying.... deep breath... gimme a few days or weeks. :) **shudder** I will relate my successes and failures in agonizing detail, so fear not.

Now, for June! The Last Unicorn Hunter. It has both Elves and Unicorns - the death knell that some would ring against fantasy. It also has both urban and woodland settings and is, I hope, not a typical depiction of any of that. The main characters however, (think they are) human. :) There is fear in the night, a mystery, baddies from another dimension and an unexpected birth. Oh. And unicorns. Don't forget the unicorns.


  1. Good luck querying!!!! And how can you go wrong with elves and unicorns? I love them both :)

  2. Damn straight! Thank you Aubrie. Another reason i LIKE you!! :)

  3. Wow Bettie! You kicked some major word-cutting ass... LOVE the new title!! LOVE IT! And good for you on the agents/synopsis... amazing lady! I will bow to you to show my respect...


    Good luck with the new story!


    Good luck with sending your stuff out too! (sorry... tom and jerry are distracting sometimes... :D)

  5. It's ok, Kara. I know all about tom and jerry and they're dastardly damn ways! little bastards.... and thank you.
