Sunday, January 24, 2010

50K in 23 Days!

Current Word Count: 52,134/100K

Well, I got to 50K late late Saturday night! That means this bad boy is halfway done!

I took a look at my calendar for last year, to see where I was during NaNo at this time. It took 23 days to win then, also. Then I went to my sister's for Thanksgiving. I came back and got back to work... then flipped over to December. And was horrified.

I was a lazy ass bum in December. I missed out on a smattering of 6 days in the first few weeks! In short, I totally lost my mojo! I have written myself a little warning note in my calendar for February, warning myself to DON'T LET DECEMBER HAPPEN AGAIN! I've got a 500 page manuscript to edit in March, and I think I need a few extra weeks! I hope to carve them out in February! If I write every day at 2K a day, I should be done by Feb 16. That is, if the story agrees to be 100K. This is my hope! I'm also entering the most unplanned part of my outline... so I need to think about that, too. And my birthday is Feb 12th... so I'm sure I'll take that day off since it's going to be my last birthday!... so let's say the goal is the 17th.

How about you and your goals? Is January going the way you hoped?


  1. Awesome! Go you!!!

    *Happy for Sammich dance*

    As for my goals, the excercise went right out the window when my back went (just back from my Xrays). The writing is going nicely though. :)


  2. Thanks Adam! I hope everyting turns out ok w/ your ex-rays! and the re-writes!
    **does sammich dance, too!**

  3. Congratulations, Bettie. :-D My January goals are not going how I'd planned but I expect to finish this Nano novel by the 2nd or 3rd week in February. It'll sit a few weeks while I write some shorts. This is the novel I want published and I will make it so. ;-) I hope...

  4. back atcha! Good luck! I also hope to be done around that time, and get to editing my NaNo novel! Watch out world!
