Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Post of Bloggery, If You Will

This will be a rambling post. I do not have a single thought to get across tonight. I am glad that I've been working regularly over the past 3 days. Each day I've got right to work and stayed off the internet until at least a couple of chapters are done. I came home tonight, completely knackered, took a nap, but still managed to get some editing done. So yay, work ethic!

I'm almost 40k into editing of my gothic romance. As so often before, I feel really good about it. The warm glow of accomplishment is making me go soft and mushy. And the doubts are just flittering at the edge of the warm glow. I'm trying to keep them from getting in the way of the happy times.

I hope I've got the right voice here. I love the sound of it, I just hope I don't sound foolish. I'm using what I hope is a very light Regency sound. I'm reading a ton of Georgette Heyer, who I love and got some Elizabeth Chater books on sale, who I have yet to read. Each Heyer novel just gets better and better. I hope Elizabeth Chater doesn't pale too much in comparison.

I think I've rambled before of my love of all things English: I am a confessed Anglophile. Whenever I pick up a novel by an English novelist that is based somewhere other than England (I'm lookin' at you, Mrs. Radcliffe) I feel like I've been cheated. Heyer is like English candy. Bath, Yorkshire, Hertfordshire, Brighton, and London itself each get their own stories. I've only read one where the characters take off to the continent, but only for part of the story. It's so funny to recognize the names of streets and fashionable areas. Many of which I know from the novels of Dickens, Austen, LeFanu, Wilkins and Gaskell. 

Grosvenor Square sounds way cooler than San Leandro Blvd. You can't blame me for sending my mind elsewhere.


  1. I'm ashamed to say I haven't read much GH, though it's Heyer time I do. ;)

  2. hahah! They keep putting her on sale on Amazon! :) keep your eyes peeled! And thanks for stopping by.
